I saw hands moving. I heard pen on paper. Facial expressions reflected focus. The silence seemed endless; the air charged. It may have been due to a comment uttered when the last word was read from the handout, "... and she leaves us there. We want more." I chuckled inwardly. Maybe I was the only one charged. That was the thought until the group began sharing.
They were thorough, intuitive, complimentary and enthusiastic. I felt encouraged. It was easy to receive comments geared toward making the work better, and wonderful to be affirmed. I heard things like:-
"This is a parallel to my life"
"It is raw"
"I can't wait to hear more"
"I am going to add this to my reading list"
"It is needed now, in this time"
"You write well"
"It is obvious that you are a teacher"
"God will complete what He has started in you"
As valuable than the comments was the dialogue which started as a result of the (Pour The Oil) content shared.
I don't say this to toot my own horn, but to express gratitude. I am thankful to Daddy God. I understand what He has done through me. There is purpose in this work and I see it. I got a glimpse ... of Awesome, and there is more to come. Stay tuned for more updates.