April 25, 2014

You Better Work!

Everyday, when you awake, you make a decision to get up, get yourself ready, and go. God just encouraged me this morning by reminding me of this fact. He said, "It is that simple. Make a decision everyday to serve with joy and gladness. Make a decision to complete whatever you start. Make a decision to win. All you need is a decision."

When you make a decision to get up, your brain communicates with your body and your body moves. If you decide to get ready to go, you prepare (find an outfit, take a shower, shave or put on makeup). You get the picture right? Corresponding action is necessary. To decide to do a thing requires both commitment and follow through. 

Are you willing to pay the price for your success? That is a loaded question, but it is unrealistic to have the expectation that simply deciding will make things happen. I am a part of the "you" that I'm talking to today, because there are times when I have to become a cheerleader and self-motivate. You have to sacrifice to bring the vision to life.

Sometimes I am wearied by the process, but I know that stopping is not an option. I regroup, refresh and keep moving toward my goal. There is no time out in a race - no hold on a minute - let me get myself together moment. Keep running until you reach the finish line, or you will become disqualified. Thank God this process is not a race. 

Don't focus on people in the other lanes, pay attention to your assignment. Runners are aware of the people running with them, but they are not turning around to see what others are doing. They run to win. They keep their eyes on the goal. Sometimes you make a decision, but when you see others who appear to be closer to achieving what they set out to do, you lose focus and become discouraged. Don't do that. Your work is your work. That is your focus. It is that simple, and I am grateful. 

Decide today that you will be a success. Understand that the journey is not always easy. Commit to achieving your goals, and whatever you do - don't.give.up. Your reward is coming, but to see it, you better work.

April 24, 2014

So You Have Written A Book, Now What?

So you have written a book, now what? That is the question of the hour. I have learned that what happens next is as extensive and as time intensive (if not more) as the writing process. You have to keep the momentum going. So many questions; so many directions - where should you go? Self publishing? Self assisted publishing, traditional publishing? Get an agent; Don't get an agent? 

I am no expert on the matter. I simply said yes to an assignment God gave to me. Now, my thought is this, "If He gave me the assignment, He will make provision. The path will become clear. Doors will open, doors will close; but all at His will." 

I am doing my due diligence. I am putting in the work, but along with that I pray (often), I listen, and I wait. When I clearly hear His voice, I move. Sometimes I hear nothing; I just find myself in places and know that it is a divine arrival, or a divine appointment. He orchestrates and I am fine with that. 

Everyone's process is not the same, and while it is important to glean from others; it is equally important to only take away from their experience the piece that God has given to them to help you on your journey. To carry any more than that can create burdens of indecision or missteps. 

Trust God. Do your research. Have the conversations. Proofread, proofread, proofread. Write the query letters and proposals. Follow submission guidelines. Submit your manuscript. You may never feel comfortable about releasing it, but you have to let it go. Feelings of vulnerability are normal. Do not let them stop you. Understand that rejections will come, but remain optimistic. God will accomplish purpose through you. Jeremiah 29:11

April 22, 2014

I love Dr. Seuss

I love Dr. Seuss. Oh yes, I do. Some of his quotes gave me the greatest joy today; starting with, "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” The last line was my favorite. I felt invincible.

There are other Seuss quotes in my happy place. The next was encouraging and so true. “If things start happening, don't worry, don't stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too.”  Those words evoked emotions and I could not contain them. Supernatural bursts of energy infused me - to keep moving, keep dreaming, keep doing, until I actually 'start happening'. 

I bounced right from that quote to, “You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting,  So... get on your way!” You know what? I believe. I am off to great places. My expectations have risen 1000%.

By the time I got to the next quote - Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try My brain had moved into overdrive... creativity stretched, yawned and said, "I am here, I am up, and I am ready. Let's go!"

I was having a ball; then I saw, If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good. I made a decision to lighten up even more. I promised myself that I would do spontaneous and joyous things. For me that could be as simple as a long walk on the beach right before the sun begins to set. I actually envisioned myself there as that beautiful ball of orange slowly sinks below the horizon. I am sitting on the sand, water gently lapping at my toes, banana split in hand, and a languid smile on my face. 

With his words, Dr. Seuss reminded me that,  It's not about what it is, it's about what it can become.” I believe I will hold on to that perspective and begin again tomorrow full of hope, determined, armed with a bat and a great attitude. 

The end quote? “Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”  I strive to make this my perpetual perspective. After all "It is fun to have fun. 

My bond with Dr. Seuss has been renewed. Who knows what is in store tomorrow, yet somehow it does not matter, I will make it an awesome day! I know - it's up to me.

Today, I Write

Today I write, 
like every other day. 
Sometimes I pen the journey
on vacant, ready, reams
sometimes it's only written 
in my memory, it seems
But today, I write, 
like every other day.