November 09, 2011

Something New....

So many people have been wondering and asking, "So what's up? What's happening with the music?  Doing anything new? 

The answer is yes.  While I have not completed any full recordings. I am writing. There is a new sound in my spirit and God is putting it in song - His sound, the harmony to my melody. I know it seems to be taking a long time, but God knows what He wants to do, first in me - and then through me. 

In Exodus 17 (when Israel needed water) God asked Moses to strike a rock.  Moses was obedient and they had water, but in Numbers 20 although the need was the same, the instructions were different.  God told Moses to speak to the rock and he struck it.  He used the old instructions that were given in a different time and place. In short, Israel got what they needed, but Moses lost out on a part of his destiny to enter into the Promised land.

I am striving continually to be sensitive, not only to the assignment, but also to the timing, the changes in spiritual location and to accurately receive and follow new instructions. I pray that you understand and will continue with me on this journey.  Sometimes it's hard to stand still, but often that is when God is carving out a deeper capacity in us - that is when He is refining the gift.  His footprints are the steps I'm walking in...and they are leading somewhere.

There is a joy, a depth of worship and celebration in each new song. I have been pleasantly surprised by what is being creatively produced in my writing. I don't want to prematurely make a move to meet a need and miss destiny.  I believe the second Moses' staff hit that rock he wished he could take it back.   I don't mind waiting.

There are some other things in process that I will share with you as soon as I can.  Until then I humbly ask that you continue to stand with me as I journey into "something new." 

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